
SenzaBarcode and Whistleblowing. Official presentation

SenzaBarcode in its countinuous research for transparancy, legality and correct information, presents the digital whistleblowing, on friday 29 may 2015 at 17:00 in via Delle Vergini, 3rd floor, room 327.

Thanks to Whistleblower, in the USA, since the 1986 have been recovered about 85% of the sums subject to fraud , more than 55 billion dollars. Every year those alerts allows to recover 6 billion dollars. And if Italy had applaied this system which would have been the fate of “Mafia Capitale” and its protagonists or those of the many corruption scandals?

It’s on this question that SenzaBarcode decided to adopt the Globaleaks system.

From degrading treatment in the workplace to mismanagement of the pubblic affairs, about all it will be possible to report cases of corruption of which it became aware. Whit Globaleaks system and TOR browser -open source systems of Whistleblowing- you should not be paid any licence to use, the reporting will be cover by full anonimity also hiding his IP address. He may send reports, attachments – doc, pdf, mp3 and more- and interact with who receive the alert. To receive the report will be only the editing of SenzaBarcode supported by lowyers and practitioners, in order to avoid any risk of defamatory and slanderous operations. An experiment that policy support will be operational in all respect for government to adopt this system as soon as possible.

It’s important to remember that reporting is fully protected because the system does not trace it to its real identity without his express consent and any time the reporting will be able to enquire on the evolving its alert and interact with us to integrate with additional documentation.

You can also delete the alert. As also noted Giorgio Fraschini, head to the door of the reports of Transparency Italia, Whistleblower who send their alert to Anti-corruption can’t follow the iter, usually very long and complicated, but who lost his job or who live in a diffucult situation because of those illicits can’t wait months.

Whistblowing articoloClick here to open the Facebook page to know the informations to participate and be accredited.

Marika Massara

Nata e cresciuta in provincia di Milano, emigrata in Calabria, adottata da Roma, non posso che definirmi italiana. Amo la mia Calabria, il mare d'inverno e il Rock. Da sempre attenta alla politica (più che ai politici), non posso che definirmi assolutamente di sinistra. Segni particolari: Milanista sfegatata.

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