
Luigi Pirandello in Rome

Luigi Pirandello (Così è se vi pare). In Rome, via Bosio, 13B.

The study is located in a house built around the 1910th in what was via Alessandro Torlonia, in an area of Rome surrounded green and that returns on numerous Pirandellians pages.

The apartment consists of a large living room, a bedroom and a terrace. The furniture is original: dating back to 1933, Luigi Pirandello casa dentrowhen the writer moved there upon his return to Italy, after years in Berlin and in Paris. A part of the furniture, Florentine-style, dating back to 1910 and it is from writer’s previous homes – one desk, two showcases, two Savonarola chairs-. Following purchases were the big sofa, the armchairs, another desk, some shelves and the entire bedroom in rational style.

The library includes about 2.000 books belonging to the writer. The study also preserves a small typewriter pocket become a needful business tool. Among the paintings there are four works of is son Fausto. Numerous manuscripts related to poetry, novels and dramas.

The study, it wasn’t only the place of writing – in the early years spent in Via Bosio, Luigi Pirandello completed “Pensaci Giacomino!” and “Così è (se vi pare)”- but also a place of conversation and meeting: sofa and armchairs welcomed hisLuigi Pirandello  casa fuori meetings with his family members and with personalities close to him; among them we can remember Lucio d’Ambra, Silvio d’Amico, Eduardo De Filippo.

From the luminosity and the spaciousness of the study to go to the sobriety of a bedroom with clean lines and with a terrace from which at time they could seen the pines of Villa Torlonia.

Clothes, hats, stick, the uniform of the Royal Academy of Italy are even now kept in closet.

In this room Luigi Pirandello died the 10 december of 1936.

After several legal disputes the heirs have agreed so everything was kept as it was in, as long as the Italian State undertook to deliver the Study to the Ministry of National Education.

Italian version

Marika Massara

Nata e cresciuta in provincia di Milano, emigrata in Calabria, adottata da Roma, non posso che definirmi italiana. Amo la mia Calabria, il mare d'inverno e il Rock. Da sempre attenta alla politica (più che ai politici), non posso che definirmi assolutamente di sinistra. Segni particolari: Milanista sfegatata.

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